Flocked Animal Toys

Poseable flocked animal toys first became popular in the 1980s. They were sold all over the world and are still popular today. There are lots of similarities between brands and some of the toy lines have very similar names.
In some cases, the same toys were made by different companies as toy companies merged or acquired the rights to a specific toy line. And lines with the same name may have been distributed by different companies in different countries. For these reasons, it can be difficult to accurately identify flocked animal toys without their original packaging.
Most of the flocked animal toys originally wore clothes, though their clothes were easily lost over the years. Some characters may have come with different clothes in different releases or in different countries, or the same clothes or fabric may have been used by multiple companies.
For play purposes, most of the toys are roughly the same size, so they can use the same dollhouses and some of the same furniture. Some may even be able to share the same clothes. It can be fun to mix and match figures and accessories from various lines as each line offers something unique.
For collecting purposes, no brand is necessarily "better" than any other, though collectors usually have a preference about which toy line they like best. Some collectors prefer to collect toys only from a certain line, usually whichever line they remember playing with as a child.
The information provided here is based on our own observations and research, but may not be 100% accurate. We've tried to verify information by looking at actual product packaging whenever possible, but original boxes and packaging can be hard to find for toys made almost 40 years ago. We're located in the US, so the information provided here may not be accurate for products sold in other countries.
This category of our website includes all of the flocked animal toys we have available, regardless of brand/line. The list below includes names of some of the flocked animal toy lines and their manufacturers:
Sylvanian Families - Epoch / Tomy
This toy line started in 1985 and is still going strong today. In the US, the toys have been called Calico Critters since 1993 but are still the same toys.
Bear Family / Familie Bär / Bärenwald / Baerenwald - Simba Toys
The same toys and manufacturer as Teddy Bear World and some of the same toys as Forest Families.
Blisswood Bears - Ovation LTD / Sekiguchi
Calico Critters of Cloverleaf Corners / Calico Critters - Tomy / Epoch
The same toys as Sylvanian Families. In 1993, Tomy lost the rights to use the name Sylvanian Families in the US, so the toy line was renamed Calico Critters in the US.
Cuddly Cuzzins - Butterfly Originals / Panosh
This was a US toy line with some of the same toys as Forest Families and Peach Fuzz Village.
Forest Families - MC Toy / May Cheong Toy Products
More popular in Europe than in the US, this line included a wider variety of animal types than just forest animals. Some Forest Families toys were also sold under the names Cuddly Cuzzins and Peach Fuzz Village in the US and in the Bear Family / Familie Bär / Bärenwald / Baerenwald line by Simba Toys.
Holly's Family - Manufacturer unknown
The figures are similar in appearance to those made by Sekiguchi
Li'l Woodzeez - Battat
A modern toy line with figures that are more round and chunky than other lines.
Maple Town - Tonka / Bandai
Based on an animated cartoon series, the figures in this line have a more cartoonish look.
Peach Fuzz Village - Mel Appel
This was a US toy line with some of the same toys as Cuddly Cuzzins, and Forest Families.
Spielfreunde aus der Tierwelt - Manufacturer unknown
Made in Germany, the figures in this line are smiling and have more cheerful faces than some of the other lines. The name translates to "Playmates of the Animal World."
Teddy Bear Story - Applause / Sekiguchi
Made by Sekiguchi Co. Ltd. in Japan and distributed in the US by Applause, these toys look similar to other toys made by Sekiguchi.
Teddy Bear World - Simba Toys
The same toys and manufacturer as Bear Family / Familie Bär / Bärenwald / Baerenwald and some of the same toys as Forest Families.
Teddy 'N Me - Mattel / Sekiguchi
Made by Sekiguchi Co. Ltd. in Japan and distributed in the US by Mattel, these toys look similar to other toys made by Sekiguchi.
The Bear Story - Applause / Sekiguchi
Made by Sekiguchi Co. Ltd. in Japan and distributed in the US by Applause, these toys look similar to other toys made by Sekiguchi.
Woodzzies by Blue-Box
These flocked toys were sold individually and in families. Not to be confused with the Woodseys plush toys by Fisher-Price or the modern line of flocked toys called L'il Woodzeez.
Teddy Bear World or Familie Bär Vintage Brown Bear Couple Mom & Dad by Simba Toys $30.00 USD
Grey Rabbit Family from Forest Families, Cuddly Cuzzins or Peach Fuzz Village $27.00 USD
Flocked Clip-On Dog Toy with Sunglasses & I Love You Vest $12.00 USD
Bramble Hedgehog Family Vintage Sylvanian Families Hedgehogs $30.00 USD
Mother or Momma Bear Figure Flocked Toy from Teddy Bear Story $15.00 USD
Forest Families Cat Family Vintage Flocked Toys $35.00 USD
Grandma & Grandpa Bear Figures Flocked Bears from Teddy Bear Story $30.00 USD
Maple Town Bear Family Child Flocked Animal Figure $10.00 USD
Christabel Corntop / Sybil Hoppinset Vintage Sylvanian Families Mother Rabbit $45.00 USD
Tammy Bear Flocked Bride from Teddy Bear Story Wedding Couple $18.00 USD
Fanny Fox's Family Vintage Maple Town Flocked Fox Family $25.00 USD
Woodzzies Mother or Father Pig Figure Vintage Flocked Animal $10.00 USD
Maple Town Mother Rabbit Flocked Bunny Figure from Patty Rabbit's Family $15.00 USD
Roxie and Ruthie Raccoon's Family Vintage Maple Town Flocked Racoon Toys $35.00 USD
Storytellin' Bear Sylvanian Families Star Performers Lip Syncing Toy $35.00 USD
Maple Town Rachel Rabbit Flocked Bunny Figure with Blue Dress $15.00 USD
Maple Town Bonny Bear Flocked Animal Figure with Red Dress $12.00 USD
Maple Town Dog Family Child Flocked Animal Figure - Danny or Donny $10.00 USD