Baby Ponies - Items tagged as "Holiday"

Baby ponies

In 1983, the first baby My Little Pony was released through a special mail order offer.  The pony's name was Ember, and some mail order forms referred to her as "My Beautiful Baby Pony."

Other baby ponies appeared in stores in Year 3 and were smaller, baby versions of ponies already released. They usually came with lots of baby accessories, including baby necklaces, bear brushes, bibs, blankets, bottles, cribs, duck pull toys, playpens, rattles, rockers, and stacking toys.

Due to their popularity, baby ponies continued to be released each year and inspired lines of their very own without adult mothers. The ponies varied in size depending on the line.

Baby pony lines include Baby Sea Ponies, Beddy Bye Eyes Baby Ponies, Pretty 'N Pearly Baby Sea Ponies, First Tooth Baby Ponies, Newborn Twins Ponies, Sea Sparkle Baby Sea Ponies, Peek-A-Boo Baby Ponies, Summer Wing Ponies, Watercolor Baby Sea Ponies, Baby Fancy Pants Ponies, Baby Ponies & Pretty Pals, Loving Family Ponies, Newborn Ponies, Playtime Baby Brother Ponies, Windy Wing Ponies, Baby Sparkle Ponies, Drink and Wet Baby Ponies, Baby Ballerina Ponies, Baby Rainbow Ponies, Teeny Tiny Ponies, Fancy Mermaid Ponies, Paradise Baby Ponies, and Teeny Pony Twins.

Baby ponies were also included in the following playsets and packs: the Baby Buggy, the Party Gift Pack Pony Set, the Lullabye Nursery playset, Molly and Baby Sundance, the Pony Purse, the Baby Bonnet School of Dance, the Princess Baby Buggy, and the Slumber Party Gift Pack.

Baby ponies available through mail order or special offers include Ember, Baby Pearlized Ponies, Baby Birthday Ponies, and Twice As Fancy Baby Ponies.

The Pony Wear line included outfits made for baby ponies as well as a Mother and Baby Wear line with matching clothes for mommies and babies. 

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