Bear Family / Familie Bär / Bärenwald / Baerenwald - Items tagged as "Peach fuzz village"

Teddy Bear World

Bear Family is a line of flocked animal toys made by Simba Toys. Many of the toys are the same as Familie Bär, Bärenwald / Baerenwald and Teddy Bear World since all of these toys lines were made by the same manufacturer. Many of the toys are also the same as Forest Families. It's likely that different names were used for the same toys in different countries and/or at different points in time and that they may have used different manufacturers to make the same toy.

The line included more than just bears. There were many other animals available and even little gnomes or dwarves that were friends with the animals.

Bear Family bear figures are slightly larger and heavier than other brands of flocked toys, but the other animals are relatively the same size. They were sold in family sets and individually.

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