Little Twin Stars are characters named Kiki and Lala, who were created in 1976 by Sanrio. Kiki is a boy with blue hair and his older sister, Lala, has pink hair. Kiki and Lala are usually pictured wearing white gowns. Kiki is sometimes shown with brown hair and Lala with blonde hair.
The Little Twin Stars line included pens and pencils, stationery, stickers, trinket boxes, pencil cases, and much more. Most items in the line feature soft, pastel colors. Kiki and Lala were some of the first characters created by Sanrio, but the kawaii cuteness of Little Twin Stars has made them a popular favorite. Little Twin Stars products are still made today and vintage Little Twin Stars items have become very collectible.
When collecting vintage Little Twin Stars items, it's important to note that Sanrio obtained the copyright for Little Twin Stars in 1976, so all items are marked with this copyright year. However, this doesn't mean the product itself was made in 1976. Some Little Twin Stars items sold as "vintage" have been made recently.