Maple Town is a line of flocked animal toys based on an animated cartoon series by the same name. Made in Japan by Tonka and Bandai, Maple Town figures are very similar to Sylvanian Families but have a more cartoonish appearance. Their bodies are made of softer, more rubbery plastic. The smaller figures do not have poseable jointed legs, their bodies and legs are one single piece.
Like other lines of flocked animal toys, there were many different animal families to collect. There were also lots of playsets available to make Maple Town come alive. There was a store, a school, a log cabin, and houses and rooms where the families could live. There were also vehicles so they could get around town.
Many of the Maple Town furniture and accessories are almost identical in appearance to items in the Sylvanian Families line but will often have a gold logo that says "Maple Town Story" and will be marked Tonka or Bandai instead of Epoch or Tomy.